Let’s Work Together

We take a strategic approach to project and sales success…

  • Thorough analysis and fact-finding
  • Clearly defined goals
  • Winning strategies and tactics
  • Extreme focus to get it done on time
  • Continuous measurement

Here are some success stories that resulted from our collaborative approach:


A major NYC health system was looking to standardize its surgical instruments across all campuses. Unfortunately the Operating Room was extremely over-budget and unable to pay for consulting services to help with a standardization initiative. Sensing a need, we presented Microsystems SPM instrument tracking system as an alternative to their current system. The Microsystems price point allowed the hospital to utilize our consulting services and achieve standardization with the savings resulting from switching tracking systems. A true win-win.
A prestigious teaching facility in New York City was building a new surgery center and looking to spend several hundred thousand dollars on stainless steel equipment. Unfortunately, they had already agreed to purchase from a competitor. Working with Blickman, we were able to utilize a new software program that gave the customer an exact view of what every OR suite would look like 2 years before it was built. This gave the customer real clarity on exactly what she needed to order and where each piece of equipment would fit within their OR scheme.. The customer has committed to spending several hundred thousand dollars with Blickman to open the facility.
A large IDN in New York City was dissatisfied with their current repair vendor. The Health Concepts Team proposed an in-service to evaluate their needs followed by a high-level meeting. After a successful in-service, we met with the VP of Peri-Op Services and agreed to perform their repair work without a contract for 3 months to demonstrate our repair capabilities. We are now a trusted partner and what started as an in-service has turned into a multi-million dollar account.
A large NJ university hospital was trialing several repair vendors and a decision was imminent. Health Concepts was called on a snowy Christmas Eve by the SPD Director, with an urgent request. Their only bronchoscope was broken and they needed one desperately for a case that evening. Our representative drove 2.5 hours in a snowstorm to our scope repair center to hand deliver the broken scope to a technician. They were able to fix the scope, same day, so we could drop it off to the hospital that evening. The SPD Director still mentions this every time we meet.